
Academy of Management 2015

75th Academy of Management Meeting
“Opening Governance”
Vancouver, Canada: August: 7-11 2015

Vancouver, Canada, August 7-11 2015

(1) Professional Development Workshop

Session: Psychological Foundations of Management: Core Self-Evaluation, Hubris and Humility 
Sponsoring Divisions: BPS, ENT, OB
Scheduled: Saturday, August 8 2015 12:45AM-03:15PM
Place: Vancouver Convention Center in Room 205
Pasquale Massimo Picone, University of Catania
Yi Tang, Hong Kong Polytechnic U.niversity
Giovanni Battista Dagnino, University of Catania
Distinguished Speakers: 
Craig Crossland, University of Notre Dame
David H. Zhu, Arizona State University
Dusya M. Vera, University of Houston
Michael A. Hitt, Texas A&M University
Sydney Finkelstein, Dartmouth College

This PDW aims to stimulate research advances on the psychological foundations of management. We ask: Does a “good side” of CEO hubris exist? On the other hand, what is the “bad side” of CEO humility? How will entrepreneurial leaders’ psychological biases be reflected in judgments that shape new venture formation and failure? How can corporate leaders dominate overambitious projects that frequently generate instances of corporate social irresponsibility? Answers to these questions are crucial in order to advise managers of the dangers of psychological bias and, more importantly, to encourage practices that promote effectiveness in decision processes. The three-hour PDW is a suitable chance to discuss theoretical and empirical challenges in psychological foundations of management and to find novel approaches to investigate these challenges. The PDW brings together an invited panel of distinguish scholars to guide roundtable interactions

Pre-registration is required for this workshop
To register online, please visit
Please contact the workshop organizer at to obtain the approval code
The deadline to register online is July 1, 2015

Italian announcement:


Minà, A., Damajaru, N.L., and DAGNINO, G.B. (2015)
Coopetition: The Role of Behavioral and Technological Uncertainties”

Session: Responses to Technological Uncertainty
Sponsoring Division: BPS
Chair: Anatoly F. Kandel , Caldwell U

Scheduled: Sunday, August 9 2014 2:45AM-4:15PM 
Place: Vancouver Convention Center in Room 221

This paper aims at understanding the interplay of technological and behavioral uncertainties in influencing partner behaviors in alliance contexts. While technological uncertainty is likely to foster cooperative behaviors, behavioral uncertainty is expected to encourage competitive behaviors in alliances. Identifying these uncertainty dimensions and their joint impact, respectively, on competitive, cooperative, and coopetitive behaviors can help us capture the emergence of coopetition in a much fine-grained fashion. This understanding may eventually be used to appreciate alliance partner behaviors under other forms of uncertainty.