
New Frontiers in Entrepreneurship

New Frontiers in Entrepreneurship
Recognizing, Seizing, and Executing Opportunities
Springer, New York (2010)

Edited by D.B. Audretsch, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA; G.B. Dagnino, University of Catania, Italy; R. Faraci, University of Catania, Italy; R.E. Hoskisson, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA

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The volume presents and discusses a variety of recent developments and achievements in research on entrepreneurship. It aims at taking a systematic analysis of the theory and practice of entrepreneurship, especially in regard to nurturing strategic systems, governance arrangements, and evolutionary paths in organizations. Bringing together the insights of an international recognized array of academics, entrepreneurs, and executives,
New Frontiers in Entrepreneurship focuses on two key themes: (1) connecting developments in entrepreneurship to current strategy thinking and practice; and (2) generating new and innovative ways to cultivate and develop entrepreneurial processes in new ventures and established enterprises. Exploring such topics as the integration of entrepreneurial and strategic thinking, corporate governance of new ventures and spin-offs, business-university alliances, IPO performance, the impact of Open Source, the role of science and technology in new firm formation, and the emergence of the entrepreneurial society. In the process, the authors demonstrate how entrepreneurship promotes organizational genesis, growth, and rejuvenation on a practical level, and consider on the research side how entrepreneurship has developed from a peripheral sub-field of management studies into one of the most relevant spheres of strategic management.

▶ Focuses on the strategic aspects of entrepreneurship and new firm creation, including corporate governance, financing, and intellectual capital/knowledge management

▶ Contributions from an international array of leading scholars, practitioners, and policymakers

▶ Evolved from a Strategic Management Society conference/workshop designed to push the boundaries of both theory and practice in entrepreneurship